Google working on AI search feature

Google working on AI search feature to engage directly

Sundar Pichai confirmed the company’s plans to deliver ChatGPT-like features during the Google Q4 earnings call.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, said in the earnings call that the search business wants to deliver AI-like search tools that “users can engage directly with.” More on the Q4 earnings data later.Sundar Pichai stated, “We’ll make these language models accessible in the upcoming weeks and months, starting with LaMDA, so that people can interact with them directly. This will make it easier for us to test, evaluate, and safely enhance them. These models are incredibly effective in writing, building, and summarising. As they offer more current, accurate information, they will be much more beneficial to consumers.

Google working on AI search feature

Sundar Pichai stated that “more than six years ago,” he “first spoke about Google being an AI-first company.” “We’ve been preparing for this moment since early last year, and you’ll be seeing a lot from us in the coming months across three major areas of opportunity: first, large models. “We published extensively on LaMDA and PoN, the industry’s largest and most sophisticated model, as well as extensive work at DeepMind,” he added.

During the question and answer period, Sundar added “We’ll be launching — we’ll — more as labs products in certain cases, beta features in certain cases and just slowly scaling up from there. Obviously, we must iterate in public these models will continue to improve, so the field is rapidly changing. The serving costs will have to be reduced.”

So, while it is still early days, we are committed to putting our experiences, both in terms of new products and experiences, bringing direct LLM experiences in Search, making APIs available for developers and enterprises, and learning from there and iterating as we always have. “As a result, I’m looking forward to it,” he added.

Sundar continues, “I think it will allow us grow and serve new types of use cases, generative use cases, in terms of Search too, now that we can include more direct LLM type experiences in Search. Because of this, I believe I see this as an opportunity to rethink, re-imagine, and motivate Search to address new use cases for our users. Because it is still early, you will see us be brave and publish things, collect feedback, iterate, and improve things.

Google AI:-

Our main focus has long been on creating and implementing AI to enhance people’s lives. As our AI Principles indicate, we think that AI is a foundational and transformational technology that is extremely helpful for people, businesses, and communities. However, we also believe that we must take into account the broader social effects that these discoveries may have. We continue to internally test our AI technology to make sure it is beneficial and secure, and we anticipate shortly sharing additional experiences with others.

Meanwhile, Microsoft made a significant investment in OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. Microsoft is rumoured to be adding GPT-4 support to Bing search in the near future. After the explosion OpenAI caused with the debut of ChatGPT, many companies, particularly those in search, are taking these technologies very seriously.

So, while it is still early days, we are committed to putting our experiences, both in terms of new products and experiences, bringing direct LLM experiences in Search, making APIs available to developers and enterprises, and learning from there and iterating as we have always done. “As a result, I’m looking forward to it,” he added.

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